It's All Down Hill From Here
The Rest of the Cruise and Going Home
12.06.2019 - 13.06.2019
2019 Paris - Provence - Barcelona
& 60th Wedding Anniversary Trip in 2019
on greatgrandmaR's travel map.
I did not take many photos of the last day - we had breakfast in the dining room and I had the
We had lunch in the main dining room and Bob had just a big plate of shrimp
and ice cream. I had a nice
and a little bit of salad that I put some shrimp on
and a chocolate pudding/cookie bar (I didn't write down what they called it)
At dinner I had the
and for dessert,
but I don't remember what I had as the main course. Then my daughter actually reserved Conference room B and we went and played Mexican train dominoes.
I got an email that I would have my OBC for owning stock applied to my account but I did not get the credit.
We got our luggage tags and were #1 - why I do not know as we had no deadline to meet. We got the disembarkation instructions which were that we were to go to deck 6 and wait for our time to be called, but I was not going to do that - it is too hard to get and elevator at disembarkation. So about 7, we loaded all our hand luggage on the scooter with me, and we went to breakfast (on deck 4). Our daughters families got there first and so when we got there we went to the table where they had saved us a place. I had an omelet. Service was pretty slow.
Our daughter had packed her room key card in the jeans she was wearing yesterday so she did not have a card to show. She went to guest services and they said it was too late to get another card, to just get off without it.
The dis-embarkation screen on the TVs was totally and completely confusing. It had a listing of all the numbers and projected times, and then there was a box at the bottom which said it was the numbers that had been called. On Wednesday night, the night before we got to the port, they listed all the numbers as having been called. If you had not looked at the screen until Thursday morning, you would think that all the numbers had been called and you could get off. But that was not true.... on the 19th, my granddaughter A. set off for France
Posted by greatgrandmaR 15:27 Archived in USA